Friday, 16 September 2011

How ICT has affected the world of work?

How ICT has affected the world of work in general 鈥?in terms of skills needed, training, job losses, changes to workplace, working from home, Internet businesses etc. Use an example of a job, how has it changed, compare %26amp; contrast alternative ways of working (e.g. supermarket checkouts)
How ICT has affected the world of work?
Check the following sites

EMERGENCE Conference: Where in the World?

... ICT activities, but they also affect the organisation of the workplace and ... work, but also the daily working and social lives of individuals employed within ... - Cached

Practical Support Pack - Secondary design %26amp; technology - Linking ICT to ...

Linking ICT to the world of work. Module contents - Overview. Tab List. Module focus ... the effectiveness of the ICT applications being used as they affect ...;s=鈥?- Cached

Advisory Matters elearning shop: Teaching ICT: The World Is Flat: The ...

... empower more of their people to innovate and do value-added work on that ... forces that drive globalisation and how they will affect him/her in the nest 20 ...;n=鈥?- Cached

The Standards Site: Rights and responsibilities in the world of work

... the decline of manufacturing, the ICT revolution (resulting in the need for ... of the European Union affects the workplaces they visit, eg on work experience. ...鈥?- Cached

[PDF] The New World of Work

251k - Adobe PDF - View as html

workers affected by changes in local economies. Demographic change ... Because of these advantages, the use of ICT has. spread from core %26quot;knowledge work%26quot; occupations ...鈥?br>