There is a certain name that has been used a lot. I want to start a business with the _(Word)_ (Type of Business). But there was apparently an internet business that is now out of business that had the _(Word)_ Fine_(Suffix Variation of the Business)_. It is not at all fair if names can be copyright and owned as commodities. If someone can copyright the name Rome, or God, or America, or money, and charge people who use the basic form of it whenever it is used is wrong. trying to patent the oxygen we breathe and charge everyone on a volume of breathing basis is the same as copyrighting a name that anyone could think of on their own. Like, if something sees the word Enchant, and then thinks Enchantia. And there was an Enchantia Casino, Enchantia Pop Band, and Enchantia Exotic Dance Lounge. Then if there was an Enchantia Quality Clothing that went out of business, I feel I should have every right to start an Enchantia Luxury Apparel if I thought of the word Enchantia before ever hearing or seeing anyone else use the word Enchantia. It is wrong if someone could take a word and claim it as their own.
Some words shouldn't be copyright applicable.
I am not saying every name should not be copyright. If a business develops a unique name for a new device of their own making or an artist thinks of a new name for a type of monster, then they have every right to it.
But a word like Enchantia that is a name and tens of thousands if not one hundred thousand people could make up shouldn't be. Its like seeing Enchant, then thinking of adding the suffix ia (Enchant+ia=Enchantia).
When I thought of the anonymous name I made it up uniquely and when I start my business I'll do it similar to my example. I think of good names and if I research the or type them in, if someone else has every name on my list but in a different variation, I have every right to make my own variation. I thought of the Name and the basic Name can't be changed. The type of business is impossible to change. It is not possible to change quality. Like, there are low quality, standard, average, quality, high quality, fine, deluxe, or luxury.
In this world everyone thinks they can own names. No one has the right to a common name such as Enchantia and prevent others from using it. If I see a word like Fairy, and then Fairia, then I have every right to use the name Fairia any way I choose to. If I see the word Dragon and think Dragonia, I have every right to use that word. I thought of it and I created it. They're names and common names like that can not be restricted even by law. If someone copyrighted the name Stephanie, Danielle, or the name William, would you obey any such law that would enforce such a policy and pay the person who holds claim to the name you have every right to name a child or a character, or ship, or AI entity?
I know I am right in saying if I want to name my business something like Ang茅lique Luxury Jeweler's and there was/is an Ang茅lique Fine Jewelry, I have every right to name my business the name I want for it. They might be similar in name but not the same. Besides, I thought of using the name Ang茅lique, and my business is luxury not fineries, and I'm a Jeweler Business. But the name Ang茅lique is a common name, and can't be copyrighted or patented. So I will created my Ang茅lique Luxury Jeweler's even if there was/is an Ang茅lique Fine Jewelry and not obey any legal things that should or should not arise trying to force me to abandon and surrender my God Given Right as a Human and Change the Name I WAS Destined to GIVE MY BUSINESS.
Does anyone see the difference in what I'm saying?
Names like Enchantia, Fairia, or Ang茅lique can't be copyrighted. Ang茅lique Fine Jewelry can't tell me I can't name my business Ang茅lique Luxury Jeweler's.
It's not the same as if someone used the name iPod, or Microsoft, or Verizon. iPod, Microsoft, and Verizon are extremely unique and they represent something that is extremely specific and represents something extremely unique. Those places have every right to patent and claim sole use of the same because that is their name and/or the name of their product.
But the name Ang茅lique can not be copyrighted because that is also the name of a girl/woman and even if there is a Ang茅lique Fine Jewelry, I have every right to start my Ang茅lique Luxury Jeweler's because of the nature of the business and the name is not able to be changed. Like, there is someone called Uncle Antonio who came from Sicily, and decided to create Uncle Antonio's Pizza. There was already a business called Papa Antonio's Pizza. Uncle Antonio has every right to the name he choose even if Papa Antonio had Papa Antonios Pizza before Uncle Antonio's Pizza. Common names and the nature of a business can not be restricted. It is wrong if anyone tells Uncle Antonio he must change his name or pay any lawsuit claims rewarded to Papa Antonio.
Use of names of businesses?
First, you trademark names and slogans
You copywrite original creative works such as artwork, music, written work, etc.
You are pretty clueless about the rest too...
Nike has trademarked %26quot;just do it%26quot;. when they trademarked it, they agreed that they did not own %26quot;just%26quot;, %26quot;do%26quot; , or %26quot;it%26quot; only %26quot;just do it%26quot;.
There are also many common sayings that cannot be trademarked like %26quot;Chinese Laundry%26quot;.
If the company is out of business, then the trademark has died and is available for someone else to take.
If you use your own name %26quot;John Smith Luxury Apparel%26quot;, you do not need to have that trademarked and you are allowed to use it. If you call it %26quot;JS Luxury Apparel%26quot;, you would need to have that trademarked.