HELP! I use my Windows XP laptop at home and at my job. I was having trouble accessing any webpage, %26quot;Cannot Display Webpage%26quot; would come up. So stupid me, I was trying to locate the problem. My computer was connected to the internet just fine, I rebooted the modems, restarted the computer and the network connections showed they were connected. IT was confirmed by the tech asst guys at Time Warner. But I still could not open a webpage anywhere. So I was messing around and came across the networking troubleshooting options. I used the Networking Connection Wizard...there were two questions that I could choose from....1. This computer is used for a business... or 2. This computer is used for home. I changed it to the HOME option. It changed some settings evidently and NOW after I restarted my computer, I can not log in to it. It won't recognize my password or login. HELP!!!!! Please only serious answers are needed. I really need some guidance in how to get into my computer and then how to change it back!!!!!
This happens sometimes when the user profile gets trashed... It really isn't to hard to recover most of the time....
Boot into safe mode. (You do that by pressing F8 before you see the starting windows xp screen.. this is a timing thing, you have to hit F8 after the bios screen but before the XP screen!!!) Enter safe mode at the menu.
Then go to Control Panel - Users. Change your profile - any slight change will do.. add a letter to your name and change the password save the change. Then reboot! You should be able to access your computer normally.
If not, redo the safe mode and ADD a user login using the new user make it an admin. See if that lets you in.
The problem you are having with %26quot;Page can't be displayed%26quot; is more than likely a DNS issue and can be fixed by entering a MANUAL entry for the DNS servers.. use and your routers IP like Once you are working again, go back and reset them to automatic.
Good Luck