Two years ago I changed my shirt about 15 times throughout the day, and NO ONE NOTICED.
Last year I messed with the Radio so it would only play Chuck Berry Songs.
I need a good idea for this year. I work in a big open office with about 10 other people. I would rather not interfere with the clients or business. Ideally this is a gag that gets everyone in the office, I don't want to single anyone out, but I am open for ideas. Everyone in the office has computers, internet access, phones.
What April Fools gag should I play on my office?
Put someone's stapler in a jell-o mold.
What April Fools gag should I play on my office?
make a scary video on youtube everyones homepage.scary= the one which asks u to stare at something and a witch suddenly pops-up.
download team viewer 5 and you will be able to control anyone'scomputer. u need 2 people tomake it work or more.
it will really freak them out.
wat it does is that u can write onthe other person's computer write fromyour computer. your partner has to pretend they dont know wats happenin.
Send everyone a spam e-mail and they'll get really pissed
come in early and switch all their stuff around