Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How can I help my cousin who's addicted to the Internet but doesnt think so? Answers greatly appreciated, thx.

Im a girl + Im 13. My cousins 15. My family went 2 visit his family 4 4 weeks. I noticed when hes not sleeping, doing chores, or out with his friends or family, hes IMing, playing games, chat rooms, forums etc. I talked 2 my mom about this. She caught him @ 1AM iming + told his mom, her sister. His parents made a bedtime of midnight 4 him. This helps, but not enough. My mom thought its weird that hes online at that hour of the morning, doing God knows what, but its none of her business how his parents raise him. He has a girlfriend in another state that he met on the internet + visits sometimes but barely knows her. 1 time he confided in me that the internets changing him. Another time, when I tried to talk to him about it, he told me he was lying and doesnt no why he told me that. And I noticed changes in his behavior. New temper problems, sometimes he hits my lil sisters + me when we make him mad. He never used 2. But he doesnt think he has a problem. I want to help w/out being nosy.
How can I help my cousin who's addicted to the Internet but doesnt think so? Answers greatly appreciated, thx.
You need to show this posting to your mother. Then it is up to her to talk with her sister about the changes in your cousin. If your aunt won't do anything then get your Uncle involved. IF not them then there is not really much you can do. Telling your mother or father is your best solution. Until your cousin does something criminal there is not much anyone else can do to stop him.
How can I help my cousin who's addicted to the Internet but doesnt think so? Answers greatly appreciated, thx.
Tell him that he doesn't have to give the internet up,but he needs to spend less time on it.