Friday, 16 September 2011

I am the new owner of a product complete with website. How do I change ownership and manage the site?

It is an Eco-friendly product successfully sold via the already established website. I would like to manage the website myself, bring it up to date, and make a few changes. If you are experienced in running a business via the internet, can you help me, please. This is something I have never done before and I want to continue the success of the business. Hope you can help. Thanks.
I am the new owner of a product complete with website. How do I change ownership and manage the site?
Find out if the site is registered with Nominet (they hold the domain names) and transfer it to yourself through them. Also i would go into a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program and change the password so that only you have control of what is uploaded onto your site. The previous owner should have passed this info on to you.

Promotion is the key word here (you did not promote your site!) so get as many people as possible to your site. One see's the site, but tells two.
I am the new owner of a product complete with website. How do I change ownership and manage the site?
If this is a %26quot;cookie cutter%26quot; website that the company provided, you won't be able to change it. What's more, as a cookie-cutter (CC) website, it will be ignored by the search engines as spam, because it is duplicate content to other sites already out there. The only options if this is the case is to use the site to market to your contacts as you generate them, or to build your own site. It will be difficult to generate free traffic to your CC site apart from pay-per-click advertising.

If you want to adapt a site, update it, and develop a site with your personality, style, and preferences, I would suggest building your own.

I too have a business that provides consumer/environmentally friendly products, and have built a website to discuss just one of the over 350 products I carry. It is primarily a content based site that informs, and I provide contact links in the site. You can also see how to build any sort of site you might like, for any kind of business.

The site is

and there is a link on the page %26quot; create a website %26quot; where you can watch a short clip on creating your site and promoting your product.

Good luck to you.