In relation to the hole concept of comuntication with family and friends and business partners.Conversation between people that meet in person then talk online.Does honesty change?Is it more quiet at the dinner table?Do things go unmetioned?Are things tighter,ect.
Do you feel that the internet makes you less conected to people?
yeah, secrets become really big on the internet and honesty does change and so does language people say things they never would have said in person
Do you feel that the internet makes you less conected to people?
The Internet can make you less connected to people, but that is only if you don't use the communication tools that are available and use it only to play games, look at porn, etc.
I talk to people on a regular basis from all around the world, including friends from my past that have gotten hooked up on the 'net.
If anything, the tendency for current day people to move frequently chasing jobs and money does more to lower communication between friends and family.
Did the telephone make communication better or worse? Some would say better as there was no need to have to visit someone to talk to them while others yearn for the days when visiting people on Sundays was the normal thing to do and how you kept in touch with others.
Did the Postal Service lower communications between people when they started delivering all over the country and you no longer had to hitch your horse up and travel a month from Texas to Ohio to see how your parents were doing? I say no - that letters kept people in touch without having to neglect their farms and businesses.
So the Internet, if used properly, can open doors to communication rather than close them. I mean look, I'm talking to you and will probably bring this up as a topic of conversation with both family and friends.
As far as honesty, it has nothing to do with the Internet but with the people themselves.
And quietness at the dinner table may be just some family's way, while others chat about everything.