Friday, 7 October 2011

Is a commissioned salesperson more likely to get or lose your business?

I work in a commissioned sales job that is internet based. I get people who ask me all the time if I am on commission and I tell them no because I don't want them to think that I am trying to make a buck on them instead of realizing that I am working hard to get their business and giving them the best deal around so I can get the sale. I realize that my little white lie is dishonest but putting that aside; would it change your mind or detour you from buying if you knew that the sales person your speaking with is on commission. This is just for curiosity so I encourage all honest (good or bad) answers.
Is a commissioned salesperson more likely to get or lose your business?

I will buy what I want to buy from whichever salesperson is the most capable. And I know that a lot of the time, the comission based person will treat me, as a customer, better because they need my business more than a regular sales person.

Nothing wrong with that - I definately think you should tell them if they ask...
Is a commissioned salesperson more likely to get or lose your business?
I never thought of that. To me it does not matter. If you are on commission then you will work harder to please the customer.
A person should be out to help you. If they overstep this, it hurts them. Giving them an incentive doesnt bother me as long as they help me honestly.
dont lie but be gentle....for me its about info without pressure...
If people are asking you that all the time, its because your sales pitch is too pushy. The key to being a good salesman is to make them think they need something they dont. Its a fine line between that and being too pushy, but if you cross it, you run the risks of loosing your customer, or the customer purchasing less than they would have other wise.

My suggestion would be to work on your pitch. Personalize it as much as you possibly can to each person you are talking to. Try to avoid scripted pitches. I know many commissioned sales use them, but they are easy for the customer/client to spot.