Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Has the Pope signed a death warrant for all religions mixing in national business and getting rich?

off of Pagan teachings not found in the Bible?

Death Warrant: Attorney General John R. Kroger

Oregon Department of Justice

1162 Court Street NE

Salem, OR 97301-4096

Phone: (503) 378-4400

Fax: 503-378-4017

Dear A.G. Kroger,

For a shy guy I am getting bold for a world good reason! Please take serious notice! I sent this info to the White House also. You might get word of that too! Cooperation Needed!

July 20, 2009

[From Internet] (Please Take Seriously!)

[ACLJ Pat Robertson's Child+Church Charitable organizations and fundraisers]

American Center for Law and Justice

P.O. Box 90555

Washington, DC 20090-0555


Legal Helpline Phone: 757-226-2489

Legal Helpline Fax: 757-226-2836

Radio call-in number: 1-800-684-3110 (from 12-12:30 PM EST/EDT.)

Petition call-in number: 1-877-989-2255

For information on broadcasting Jay Sekulow Live! or Jay Sekulow Weekend:

Phone: 770-414-0806

***The below info is not by ACLJ but to ACLJ to inform***

[The below posted on Yahoo Answers July 19, 2009]

Jehovah's Witnesses is it not sad and funny the Pope does not realize what he is doing giving teeth to the U.N?

The world does not know what the Pope is doing but we sure do, do we not? He give their own enemy their teeth! And over money problems, %26quot;Benedict XVI said the blind pursuit of profit and economic mismanagement had %26quot;wreaked havoc%26quot; on the global economy.%26quot; Talking about blind pursuit! The blind leading the blind and no one knows in truth what we mean by that! It is sad but people have made a personal choice not to know, have they not? So when the U.N. does its thing only we will know what is going on. We have been trying all these years to get people to hear but their religious leaders tell them not to. Do you have mixed feelings like Jesus did here at Matthew 23:37-39 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her,—how often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings! But YOU people did not want it. Look! YOUR house is abandoned to YOU. For I say to YOU, YOU will by no means see me from henceforth until YOU say, ‘Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah’s name!’”%26quot; How often we wanted to help but people just do not want us who come in Jehovah's name to help! My heart is sick but we cannot force people to hear and make needed change! We can only go to the people and hope they will hear! I know we will get a lot of hate here but if they know not Jehovah, that is ALL they have to give out! But it likely will not be long before they see the big goof the Pope made. What do you think brothers and sisters? Is the proof too big to ignore? Change is near?

Pope calls for a UN 'with teeth'

The Pope has called for reform of the United Nations and financial bodies, giving them the %26quot;real teeth%26quot; needed to tackle economic and social injustice.%26quot;

Added: The Pope's Church Charitable organizations and fundraisers can really help if you see it as a taxable money making machine putting on a show of being a religion and any others just like it! Robertson etc. too!

Benedict XVI said the blind pursuit of profit and economic mismanagement had %26quot;wreaked havoc%26quot; on the global economy.

The market, said the Pope, must not become the place where the strong prevail over the weak.

His encyclical letter said a reformed UN should strive for disarmament, food security and environmental protection.

An encyclical letter is the highest form of papal teaching, says the BBC's David Willey in Rome. It is the Pope's first encyclical on social issues

%26quot;Bloody Mary's Martyrs: The Story of England's Terror%26quot; Book by Jasper Ridley

%26quot;Mary, the daughter of Henry VIII, was crowned queen in 1553. Always sickly, she died in 1558, but her short reign was entirely devoted to restoring Catholicism to England by whatever means were necessary. Her brutal methods earned her the name she has carried ever since, %26quot;Bloody Mary%26quot;. This is the story of her persecution of men such as Ridley and Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, both of whom were burned at the stake, as were some 300 others who refused to renounce their Protestantism and accept Papal supremacy once more.%26quot; I saw the book in the library but did not read it but did see first chapter is called %26quot;The Persecuting Church%26quot; We know from history that was not the only time that church did persecuting in a very not Christian way. Paul did persecuting until he became a true Christian than he was persecuted but never there after did any persecuting to anyone. Jehovah's people never persecuate anyone but others do them around the world without good cause ever!

See info above on link %26amp; note added details %26amp; comment:;r=w [Posted on Yahoo Answers July 19, 2009]

Death Warrant:
Has the Pope signed a death warrant for all religions mixing in national business and getting rich?
Its a matter of time before the governments takes action on false religion.

Very, very soon my true brothers and sisters.
Has the Pope signed a death warrant for all religions mixing in national business and getting rich?
Is this a question or a rant?

This came from The Watchtower huh?

Was there a question here? I couldn't find it in all the ranting and propaganda.

The Church is primarily a spiritual body but she is also a moral teacher.

If people are going to make moral issues into political ones then they should not complain when the Church uses her freedoms of speech and religion.

The Church looks to protect human dignity and human rights and does not for look for political power. Church leaders are barred from political office by Church law, not civil law (Canon 285.3).

Jesus said, %26quot;Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.%26quot; (Matthew 28:18-20)

The Catholic Church has been teaching world governments what she believes God has revealed is right and wrong since the ancient Romans stopped persecuting her and long before anyone heard of the freedom of speech.

The Catholic Church protested about the blood sports in the Roman Colosseum and they were stopped.

The Catholic Church supported the Polish Solidarity movement and the Soviet Union fell apart.

I don't think the Church is going to (or should) stop teaching the world governments what is right or wrong now.

Remember the Catholic Church proposes. She does not impose.

With love in Christ.
Will Babylon be out of business soon? All it needs is the leaders to note her money and go after it! Eat her fleshly parts! [Belongings!] The Pope wants the money problem fixed and she has the money! And she now give the beast its teeth! She has been teaching Pagan lies for many years so that needs to stop! %26quot;Should strive for disarmament%26quot; the Pope said. Who will start the Peace %26amp; Security cry? The governments or religion or both together? Yet to be seen! Who is the king of the north? Yet to be seen! What else is yet to be seen? Keep watching!

Im a Catholic two said above, %26quot;Jesus said, %26quot;Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.%26quot; (Matthew 28:18-20)%26quot; And that is true but Jesus did not do that by mixing in government business but by going to the people at their own homes. Only one faith doing that way and they do come in the name of Jehovah like Jesus said to do above in Matthew.
What Expose Truth said I say too!
USA TODAY opinion 2007

Note Im a Catholic two please and others too,

Politics isn't a part of it…

The second time I broke my mom's heart was when I told her I am gay. Jehovah's Witnesses are social conservatives. Members can't be actively gay and can't get an abortion; women can't serve as religious leaders. These positions are not unique to this religion, of course. Just ask any gay kid how easy it was to come out to his Evangelical Christian, Roman Catholic or Mormon family. Yet Jehovah's Witnesses don't try to force their beliefs on others through politics. They would never protest an abortion clinic, bankroll a campaign against gay marriage or vote to restrict what they view as %26quot;sins.%26quot; They believe that Jesus commanded Christians to stay out of politics and all war, including culture wars.

Jehovah's Witnesses do use the courts, however, to protect their Christian way of life. They choose to live within certain self-imposed boundaries, which include shunning members who reject the agreed-upon standards. But they also recognize and accept the fact that outside groups will benefit from their legal victories. Imagine if all religions had enough confidence in their faith that someone else's definition of marriage, life or morality posed no threat to their own.

So am I offended because my mom still distributes The Watchtower magazines, which include articles calling homosexuality a sin? If we want an open and free marketplace of ideas, many messages we don't like will compete for our attention. That's OK as long as no one is forced to listen or comply. Once you've said, %26quot;No, thanks%26quot; and closed the door, Jehovah's Witnesses will leave you in peace (at least until their next visit).
My Profile says, I am a Jehovah's Witnesses and all other faiths as Babylon the Great of Revelation which will go down when the United Nations and governments of the world notice she is doing nothing for mankind but take their money and cause wars by their mixing in government business. JW's come to your door but do not set laws forcing you to have to do things their way like other religions do. First Christians did not mix in human government or war so we follow that same way too as a right example to follow. We do not go a long with the Pagan teachings others follow like the Trinity, Christmas etc. But do not stop others who want to follow the Pagan way. But let people know there will be an end to that kind of religion in our day. Revelation 18:4 tell people to GOT OUT of that kind of religion before it is too late. But most will not hear us and the Bible tells us that will be the way it will come to be because of free will choice Jehovah give us all, and most like it as it is and will not change. SAD
I am excited that her fall is already started
Has the Pope signed a death warrant for all religions mixing in national business and getting rich? Yes the Pope did and he and other clergy get rich from teaching Babylon the Great Pagan teachings and the United Nations now that the Pope give it teeth and that is where they will go to FIND the money they need within this global economic crisis like Sherry said. They believe their safe with the U.N. like the Jews believed they were with Roman but like the Jews they are seriously not right about that. Keep on the watch!