Its not so much the amount of time spent on it but its the fact that he has this amazing ability to remember everything that he reads on there but cannot remember things about our day to day life. I find it very frustrating! I have to be the memory bank because his is full of useless internet info.
This has nothing to do with porn or gaming, his current interest is cell phone blogs so he can figure out how to get a cheaper cell phone plan, he thinks he is a superstar because he %26quot;knows%26quot; about the upcoming cell company changes before anyone else. In the winter its snowmobiling blogs.
I have tried talking to him, telling him that human interaction is a heck of a lot more important than a computer but its not sinking in. He even takes his laptop when we fly to his parents' house and they have 3 computers! And no, he is not a business owner so its not a necessity.
Any advice before it destroys our relationship? He is not an emotional person at all so I can only assume he likes electronics because it doesn't require anything from him.
Does anyone have a partner who is obsessed with the internet?
well, i am on Y!A 8 hours a day while i am at work, so i can't bash him to bad, at least he is looking up some useful information to him and not porn or all the drama on here that i look for. ha ha
Does anyone have a partner who is obsessed with the internet?
U r using the internet right now to field this question. Does that not seem odd for you? The very thing you dread is what you are using. Take Care
It doesn't sound like a big enough thing to destroy your relationship. Some people build toy cars, he likes cell blogs.
Maybe it's the method you are using to translate your feelings to him that is not working. I, myself, find that reading or writing things down will stick in my memory much better than hearing it. Try writing him a letter that contains your concerns. If you're not concerned with the amount of time he spends online, then I wouldn't be concerned about him trying to escape reality.