Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Classes of hierarchical belief and Internet criticality?

Crazy question.

assumptions = %26quot;age of accelerating communications%26quot; + %26quot;increasing abstractetness of objective reality modeling%26quot; + %26quot;continuous exploration and find of isomorphisms between organized sets of ideas%26quot;

it seems one would conclude

d/dt( consequences \impliedby assumptions) goes to +\infinity.

is this safe for our kids to grow into? How do we go about our individual business, try to see a bit of positive change in our actions, without inflicting in the human universe a quantum logical gate transition to sudden explosive criticality the potential for which continuous technological development is lowering?

And how do we try positive change without incurring in the stone-walling passive aggressive conclusion one might extract from the fear expressed in the previous paragraph?

Have a go at this, if you feel like it. It will be appreciated. Thanks.
Classes of hierarchical belief and Internet criticality?
- Your premise is flawed. It would take far to long to explain why, except to demonstrate the flaws through current application. Your formula, if correct, would discount the contrary conclusions encountered through 5000 years of societal progression. Nothing in your formula limits it's application to temporal exclusion, and therefore implies that stone-walled passive aggressive conclusions would have been drawn in even more critical historic periods of human development, most notably in Italian and Bavarian societies during the mid-1500s. Yet it did not occur, because your premise failed to address variables in human transition from agrarian to industrial philosophies.