We are the people of the world and we should have a say in what goes on in this world in which we live. We have seen how governments protect the rights of big business to prosper. We have seen how they have created wars we they thought weapons of mass destruction existed when they didn't. Who knows better them or us? We are the people, we should rule. Have we not seen how they influence the vote? Have we not seen how they create agents who work for them then turn bad? Have we not seen how they attempt to kill other leaders who don't do as they say? We are the people, the internet has given us the power to influence how the world works. We can now make the rules by what WE say and not how they say we say. We are the people and WE can now determine how this world should be run instead of some bongo in North Korea, who was never the people's choice. The world is changing and now we are open for nominations for President of the world. Who do you nominated to rule?
Could the people rule by voting in the policies that we want right here on Yahoo Answers?
Have you heard %26quot;Hannity On The Street%26quot; or watched %26quot;Jay (Leno) Walking%26quot; lately? Too many of %26quot;the people%26quot; lack a basic knowledge of who is even in office now. These ignoramuses should not be voting in elections much less %26quot;on-line%26quot; to decide policies, the details and implications of which they really have no concept. Lord help us if they are put in charge of deciding the fate of the free world. Oh well, they did vote Democrat last week so point made.
Could the people rule by voting in the policies that we want right here on Yahoo Answers?
I thought the full moon had passed!
this country has become an outright aristocracy and those in power will never voluntarily let go of thier control
You!!!!!! I would vote for you. Lets dress up and put on a show for the media because they are the one's that own the peoples brains!!!!!!!! We can even tell the people what they are thinking! I tell you but I warn you it is top secret so do not give it out or might be forced to...All we have to is tell them 3 out of 4 American approve of Paul I!!!!!
Only if you can get some federal judges to rewrite the constitution some more.
everyone :)
as you said : %26quot;We can now make the rules by what WE say and not how they say we say%26quot;
Gov by misadventure rivaled by gov by relevant opinion would be interesting.
Bad idea.