I already have my Spam Guard on. This junk is going to my bulk folder but I also get other bulk items, so it is time consuming to go through each day and sort the good from the bad. Anyone have any SERIOUS helpful advice?
How can I get my e-mail address off of the spammers lists????
Get a Gmail (Google's e-mail) account and have your current e-mail address forwarded to your Gmail account. Gmail's spam filters are extremely effective. I end up with very little spam in my inbox, and can always check the spam folder to make sure nothing got sent there by mistake. PM me and I can send you a Gmail invitiation if you'd like.
How can I get my e-mail address off of the spammers lists????
I guess Gmail has changed their signup system. An invitation used to be required to sign up, but it looks like anyone can sign up now. I hope it works as well for you as it has for me!
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http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a> try that link... theres a lot of answers in there...
Tip: if you have questions try to search it first... there might be a same question like yours