Saturday, 4 June 2011

My brother is getting into my Internet business... remotely... Help!?

Ok... well... it seems that my brother has figured out how to get into my stuff.

I am not sure which of the following he can do but i know he can do at least one of them

Read my IMs

Get into my files (fixing this by installing TC)

See what websites i%26#039;m on.

Read my IRC chat


Where as... i don%26#039;t really have anything bad that I%26#039;m doing, i certainly DO have personal things, and conversations. I don%26#039;t want him in anything of mine.

we have AT%26amp;T for our internet service provider. (we both have the password and can change settings and such)

We have different computers, he has XP, and i have vista home.

He has been figuring out how to get into things sense he first got his hands on a win 98 computer... %26gt;.%26lt; Don%26#039;t rule something out because it sounds like it may be too hard... Though... don%26#039;t be ridiculous... he%26#039;s not CIA FBI Level xD

i don%26#039;t know how he%26#039;s doing it, but any advise or suggestion on how to get it to stop would be GREATLY appreciated.|||He may have installed a keylogger, this would give him all your passwords, and then he could check all chat logs, IM%26#039;s, etc. Some are undetectable, but most are not. Check services.msc, if there is a %26quot;poll.exe%26quot;, most likely there is a keylogger installed on your PC.