If I obtain a business license in Arizona (where I currently reside) to operate an internet-based business, will I need a new license when I relocate to New York state, or can I continue to to use my Arizona license?|||First off, none of the states require a business license to operate an internet business -- e.g. selling on eBay, opening your ecommerce store, writing and earning from a blog; or publishing content on the web.
Business license is different from business registration -- and as an internet business, that is most likely what you will need. You register your business in your county if it is a sole proprietor; and you register your business with the state if you are starting an LLC, corporation or partnership
I suggest you check Arizona%26#039;s Department of Commerce Small Business Services Step-by-Step Checklist to help you understand what you will be required to start your online business in AZ
As for changing your residence, it is advisable to move the business with you -- the complexity, however, will depend on the legal structure of your business. Moving a sole proprietorship is easy. If you started a corporation or LLC, you will have to first dissolve the already existing corporation and or LLC re-filing a new corporation in the new state. It is best if you speak with an attorney or accountant to consider your options.|||The business license must always have the current business address. That usually will be issued to you as an address change license and may require small fee. It isn%26#039;t the same as having to start the process as a new license.