It would be wise to check this out. I have contacted both of my Senators regarding big companies that are slowing down speeds on certain sites especially politicians who are upset with the big well known bloggers.
I live in Texas and contacted, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson and told her I do not want bit companies buying into changing the way we use the internet. Look what happened to google and China.
Read up on this and you will find I am right and even if you are working for an internet provider, you may not know at all. The ISP%26#039;s are in the business of seeling their ISP.
Senator kay Bailey is on our side and my other Senator has not decided because he does not like big blogs and their truths especially those from Iraq.|||It is not in our present gov%26#039;t best interest to allow the free flow of information and speech. The best way to conquer is to prevent communication. Without the flow of info you can%26#039;t really know what is going on and only can make decisions based on what is on the face. You can bet that the costs will become unaffordable to most very quickly. Thanks for the web site.|||Blogs are becomeing a %26quot;thing%26quot; now, and they wont be stopped by Government Regulations. Its simply an online %26quot;journal%26quot; of what people do every day, or when they want to %26quot;check in%26quot;.
There are too many sites offering these now, even yahoo, so, its going to be a hard thing to get rid of them...
I wish you well..
Jesse|||Hey MJ - why would Cornyn hate the big blogs? Most of them are maintained by conservatives. If corporations want to slow down or limit speed, let them. Other corps. would loose business and that dear child, drives the world. Nice to see others politically active though. I write both of them weekly.
Get involved!!!!!|||Where do you suggest going to read up on it? This is an important issue. Thanks for bringing it up.|||I thought this was tabled until the FCC provided more information on it. The way I understand it, is the Big companies want to keep the network (backbone) as an unregulated entity. This will allow them to charge enough fee%26#039;s to maintain and grow the network. This is a extremely expensive highway to maintain and grow. What the ISP%26#039;s want is to regulate the backbone so THEY can be the ones getting all the profits. It will be interesting to see how this falls in place. The network has been hands off to regulation for decades. Both sides have their view points.|||It seems that there is a new internet planned (Internet 2) or something like that. Our free speech and free access for the most part will be a thing of the past. In regards to the poser question. It is a precursor. :(